"There would be a power of fun in skating if you could do it with somebody else's muscles." --Mark Twain

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Rob Zombie--Skateboarding's #1 Enemy

 Your last name is Zombie.  You pioneered a pseudo-metal horror band (that rips off the Cramps) and write and direct really demented horror flicks.  Oh yeah, and you complain about those damn kids being too loud on their skateboards at the skatepark next to your mansion in Yuppieville.  Really Mr. Zombie?  Would Dr. Satan have complained to the city like a little bitch?  Nope.  He would have just murdered all the kids and strung them and their boards up on the fence.  In any case, Rob, probably those little skate rats could have been potential listeners and viewers of your material, now they'll just laugh when they hear your name, mockingly calling you Grandpa Zombie, or old man Astro Creep.  Story below:



Friday, April 5, 2013


When I watch a video like this, I always seemed to ask myself the very same question...why do people longboard?  I really am not a "hater" in the sense that I look down on longboarders (well maybe a little), I just see videos like this and wonder why you would want a longboard over a skateboard?  As this video proves, you can do all the same things you do on your longboard, on a skateboard.  Plus, you don't look ridiculous carrying a skateboard, unlike your 62" Sector 9.  Skateboards are versatile modes of transportation, and longboards are best used holding up the corner of a room in the Sig Ep house on campus.  In any case, watch this video.  It is awesome.