"There would be a power of fun in skating if you could do it with somebody else's muscles." --Mark Twain

Friday, April 5, 2013


When I watch a video like this, I always seemed to ask myself the very same question...why do people longboard?  I really am not a "hater" in the sense that I look down on longboarders (well maybe a little), I just see videos like this and wonder why you would want a longboard over a skateboard?  As this video proves, you can do all the same things you do on your longboard, on a skateboard.  Plus, you don't look ridiculous carrying a skateboard, unlike your 62" Sector 9.  Skateboards are versatile modes of transportation, and longboards are best used holding up the corner of a room in the Sig Ep house on campus.  In any case, watch this video.  It is awesome.

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